Effective : 01 AUG TO 31 AUG 2024


Download Freighter Schedule PDF file here : DOWNLOAD

MAB Kargo currently provides freighter services to Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan, Chennai, Mumbai, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila, Hanoi, Sydney and Amsterdam and using three A330-200F freighter aircrafts. It also offers belly space capacity to over 100 destinations across six continents.

Airbus 330-200F Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan, Penang, Bangkok, Chennai, Mumbai, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila, Hanoi, Sydney and Amsterdam Main 22 pallets 293 m3 125" x 88" or 125" x 88" or 16/20 ft pallet or their equivalent sizes
Lower 8 pallets 80 m3 125" x 88" x 64"
125" x 96" x 64"
LD3 2 containers 8 m3  
Bulk 1,200 kg 19.7 m3  


LD: Lower Deck Pallet

MD: Main Deck Pallet

LD3: Lower Deck Container Type 3

Contact Person

Name : Mohd Khairulnizam Nayan
Tel No : +603 8777 1655
Email : [email protected]